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Custom fields

Here you can define custom fields, customizable fields that offer adaptability to your firm's needs.

Custom field list

You will see custom fields created by admin here in list form, with the following columns.

Custom Fields

  • Name: Name of the Custom Field.
  • Format: Describes the valid input of the field.
  • Required: Indicator if the fields must be filled to complete the form or not.
  • For all projects: Indicates if the field applies on all projects or not.
  • Used by: Tallies the number of projects using the custom field.

New custom fields

Clicking on New custom Fields, you will be first be prompted to choose where the Custom fields will appear over LOBSTA Manaber:

Custom Fields

Type of objectDescription
IssuesCustom box will be displayed in issues, issue lists, custom queries and time log report
Spent timeCustom field will appear on time log report
ProjectsCustom field will be displayed in new project and project overview
VersionCustom field will be displayed in Roadmap and when creating a new version
DocumentsCustom field will be displayed in Files and when creating a new file
UsersCustom field will be displayed in user profiles
GroupsCustom field will be displayed in groups and creating new group
ActivitiesCustom fields will appear on the Activities page and enumerations
Issues prioritiesCustom fields will appear on the issue priority and enumeration
Documents categoriesCustom fields will appear on documents and new document and enumeration


Once chosen, you will be redirected to fill the custom field properties. The first field to tick is Format, which defines the type of valid input the custom fields accepts.

Custom Fields

  • Format
    • Boolean: Creates a checkbox.
    • Date: Date field mm/dd/yyyy.
    • Float: Floating point number
    • Integer: Positive or negative number.
    • Link: URL address.
    • List: Dropdown list.
    • Long Text: resizable multiple lines of text.
    • Text: multiple lines of text.
    • User: References a project member.
    • Version: References a project version.

Not all Formats contain the same fields.

Field properties

The following table has all the potential field properties:

Left hand side

Property Left hand sideDescriptionNotes
NameTitle of the custom field.
DescriptionDescription of the custom field.
Min-Max LengthValidates a range for the field. If 0, no range is applied for validation.
Regular expressionValidates the field content.
Text formattingApplies a wiki format. Also locks *link values to url" field.
Multiple ValuesIf enabled, more than one item may be selected as a value.
Possible valuesPossible values for "List" Fields. Each line corresponds for each value.
Default valueSelects the value to apply as default if none are selected.
Link values to urlCreates a URL for the values of the custom field.
RoleAllows you to select a specific role.
StatusSelects the issue status in which the field will be displayed.
Full width layoutEnables the text to occupy the screen´s width.
Allowed extensionsDefines the file extension to be accepted.
DisplayDefines how the field should be displayed, either as a drop-down list or as checkboxes.

Right hand side

Property right hand sideDescriptionNotes
RequiredSets the custom field as mandatory to fill.
Used as a filterSets the custom field usable as a filter.
SearchableSets the custom field as searchable.
VisibleDefines which role can see the custom field.
TrackersDefines under which trackers the custom field is visible.
ProjectsDefines under which project the custom field is visible.

Head to workflow field permissions to define requirements to fill Custom fields.